Martial arts classes bring intangible cultural heritage to rural school

Source: Xinhuanet| 2021-12-01 10:45:19|Editor: Zhang Qian
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Photo taken on Nov. 30, 2021 shows students practising martial arts under the guidance of an inheritor of intangible cultural heritage in Zhaojiazhen Central Primary School in Zhuji city, east China's Zhejiang Province.This kind of martial art has a long history in Zhuji City and was included in the list of intangible cultural heritages in 2012. Zhejiang Province has introduced the martial arts lessons in line with the "double reduction" policy to ease the burden of excessive homework and off-campus tutoring for students undergoing compulsory education. (Xinhua/Xu Li)

Photo taken on Nov. 30, 2021 shows students practising martial arts under the guidance of an inheritor of intangible cultural heritage in Zhaojiazhen Central Primary School in Zhuji city, east China's Zhejiang Province.This kind of martial art has a long history in Zhuji City and was included in the list of intangible cultural heritages in 2012. Zhejiang Province has introduced the martial arts lessons in line with the "double reduction" policy to ease the burden of excessive homework and off-campus tutoring for students undergoing compulsory education. (Xinhua/Xu Li)

Photo taken on Nov. 30, 2021 shows students practising martial arts under the guidance of an inheritor of intangible cultural heritage in Zhaojiazhen Central Primary School in Zhuji city, east China's Zhejiang Province.This kind of martial art has a long history in Zhuji City and was included in the list of intangible cultural heritages in 2012. Zhejiang Province has introduced the martial arts lessons in line with the "double reduction" policy to ease the burden of excessive homework and off-campus tutoring for students undergoing compulsory education. (Xinhua/Xu Li)

Photo taken on Nov. 30, 2021 shows students practising martial arts under the guidance of an inheritor of intangible cultural heritage in Zhaojiazhen Central Primary School in Zhuji city, east China's Zhejiang Province.This kind of martial art has a long history in Zhuji City and was included in the list of intangible cultural heritages in 2012. Zhejiang Province has introduced the martial arts lessons in line with the "double reduction" policy to ease the burden of excessive homework and off-campus tutoring for students undergoing compulsory education. (Xinhua/Xu Li)